THURSDAY THOUGHTS! – Do you value Monitor Evaluators appropriately?

MEBelbin Team Roles are based on observed behaviour and interpersonal styles and this is somewhat dependent upon the situation you are in.  It relates not only to your own natural working style, but also to your interrelationships with others, and the work being done.  This is why the Observer Assessments should be situation specific.  So if you are completing a profile analysis for work, you should ask work colleagues to be your observers.  It just makes sense because you, and the people you work with, may well behave and interact quite differently in different teams or when the membership or work of the team changes. It is about contributing to an effective team rather than a non-proctive one after all.

So Dr Meredith Belbin identified 9 team roles and each one is associated with a typical behavioural and interpersonal strength. Each role will also have a “weakness” so there is no right or wrong in this context.

Monitor Evaluators are those amongst us who are most logical, discriminating and always make the right, very considered decisions!  When presented with 2 options, they are the ones who will weigh up all the pros and cons, apply analytical thinking to their conclusions, and they are usually high performers on the Watson-Galsner Critical Thinking Appraisal.  These folk will take all the actions and details from a Shaper and subject them to the most intense scrutiny in a very unemotional manner.  They are one of the “Thought Oriented” roles, so if you find yourself to be one of the “Action Oriented” roles, like a Shaper/Implementer/Completer-Finisher, then you will find yourself having to deal with one very shrewd cookie!

A good Monitor Evaluator knows when criticism is appropriate and a Plant will welcome this criticism in order to modify or rein in their most ridiculous ideas.  But they can clash too – sparks are inevitable when the Plant’s unique originality meets what they perceive as the inalienable logic of the Monitor Evaluator.  Then mediation is highly likely (call on one of your “People Oriented” roles – probably a Co-ordinator or Teamworker). In fact, the Plant, Monitor Evaluator and Co-ordinator could happily work together in harmony as a small, constructive and co-operative unit – but beware if they need to be productive as they are missing an Implementer to actually do anything.

Famous Monitor Evaluators include:

  • Margaret Thatcher (secondary role – in her desire for hearty debates); and
  • Gordon Brown.

Do you know your own team behaviour strength?  If not, give us a call (01550 720902 / 07932 641313) or contact me via to find out more.


THURSDAY THOUGHTS! – Love or loathe Resource Investigators?

RIWith the opening of the Llandovery Hub (see last blog post), brings a great opportunity to get together with other small local business folk.  It provides a place to meet and mingle and secure a professional working environment with all modern office conveniences.  This pitches very well to the Belbin Team Role called Resource Investigator, of which I am one 🙂  So when I was contacted about it, it immediately sparked my imagination as to what was possible and I’m all over it like a rash!

So what are my RESOURCE INVESTIGATOR characteristics then?  We are relaxed, sociable and gregarious, with an interest that is easily aroused (one phone call got me hooked on the concept). We are good at communicating with people both inside and outside the organisation. We are natural negotiators and are adept at exploring new opportunities and developing contacts. Our responses tend to be positive and enthusiastic, though we are prone to put things down as quickly as we pick them up.

The RESOURCE INVESTIGATORS are usually the team members who go out of the group and bring ideas, information and developments back to it from all over the place. We have an ability to think on our feet and to probe others for information. We make friends easily because of our own outgoing and very amiable nature. We are rarely in our offices, and when we are we are probably on the telephone. I have numerous examples of this when I was corporate office bound!  Always popping to see someone and check something out.  In fact, the receptionist once made me a sign for my door for when I was on the phone which said: “don’t even think about knocking” which was a joke, as my door was always open and I would often flag folk to come in whilst talking to someone else!  We are the teams’ salesmen, diplomats and liaison-officers; always exploring new possibilities in the wider world outside. Our ability to stimulate ideas and encourage innovation by this activity would lead most people to mistake us for ideas people, but we rarely have the radical originality that distinguishes the PLANT. Interestingly, my other team role is indeed Plant, so I often have whacky ideas too.  Just how difficult could I have seemed so some others in the office who craved peace and quiet?

Without the stimulus of others, for example in solitary jobs, RESOURCE INVESTIGATORS can become easily bored, demoralised and ineffective.  This is precisely why the Llandovery Hub is, in my mind, a fine asset to our community.  But I would say that wouldn’t I, being a resource investigator! So I love the idea and will definitely use the facility as I need to be around others and others instil the necessary discipline in me to focus and produce, otherwise I will float all over the place having a lovely time talking to loads of folk, but I will lack productivity.

Conversely, I’m hearing that the organiser of this fine facility is experiencing some criticism from others in the local community (are they Monitor Evaluators who can be characterised as overly critical and slow moving?) who merely see this as another office and are asking why people need an office if they have one at home etc?

I suspect a local initiative has suffered from a little lack of concept selling as its much, much more than merely “another office”. Have you come across an annoying resource investigator in your time and which characteristics have particularly challenged you in your day-to-day work? Could your team have succeeded (in your view) without one and if so, why do you think this?

Open for Business – Llandovery Business Hub

Today was a very important day:  it was the opening of the Llandovery Business Hub by HRH The Prince of Wales, and Aresko was there at the launch.

This is a great local initiative, a long time in the making, which will provide a flexible workspace service to modern small businesses like Aresko, as well as to mobile workers including those who are home based.

The shared facilities now available include:

  • bookable desks;
  • formal and informal meeting space;
  • high speed broadband; and
  • access to costly (or space hungry) technical equipment like photocopiers.

IMG_2374The new work hub will also provide an environment that encourages business collaboration and networking, with members exchanging ideas and services and feeling less isolated.  It will be an incubator for start-ups in the area with business advice and professional skills training.

This will be a real asset to the town for everyone.


IMG_2371It was great that HRH The Prince of Wales choose it as one of his local visits and he spoke encouragingly about the impact and importance of an initiative like this to our area.  It was great to be there and I hope the provision of such services will reap benefits for the local community.