How do you use on line forums?

It’s been a while since I engaged with my own blog!  Why?  Mainly because I’ve been undertaking 2 quite intensive interim assignments and also tutoring 2 Open University Business School Programmes.  Business aside, I’ve decided its not good enough and am now beginning the process of re-engagement – so look out for new postings shortly.  Both my assignments have been successfully delivered and I’m back in thoughtful mode 🙂

My time away made me think about how we engage with these sorts of forums though: if you were an animal, which would you be, given your online forum engagement?

Adapted from: G. Salmon (2002) E tivities: the key to active online learning. Kogan Page, p171


It might, of course, depend upon which online forum you are thinking about.  Think of your most used forum and let me know how your behaviour categorises you in the comments below in terms of what works well and what works less well for you because of it (unless you are a “mouse” of course!).  Given my OU activities, I’m a bit of an “elephant” 🙂